DTRT Reviews
This review is overall very positive about the movie. The reviewers talk about Spikes use of music, color, and atmosphere to really bring to life the style and point of the film. He says that all sides of the film are very developed, and does not feel one sided or more learning towards one point of view. I agree with the writer of this review. I felt that spike wasn't making a movie to completely make you feel pity for the African american population who was suffering from racism at the time. It showed all the different aspects and opinions of the time.
In this review, the writer says that movie is very preachy. He says that the main character was very lazy who seemed to blame and put all of his problems on other people.He thinks that the film does not actually solve or evoke anything really, just shows how chaotic racial issues can be.
I don't fully agree with this reviewer. I think that spike ha d a great message throughout the film and went about the issue or race in that time very well. I think he left a lot to be interpreted about the film, and i like that for the unique conclusions that can be had by people.
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